Living Our Faith

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Thank You Confirmation Students and Parents!

Thank you Wailea, Malani, Andrea, Diego, Elias, Isela, Sam and Krista for your help in filling eggs, making necklaces, beading Rosary bracelets, signing cards, rolling coloring pages, filling boxes, making tags, making candles, and putting scripture verses on containers! All of these things will help to make Easter special for 58 children and their mothers/caretakers. Your help was greatly appreciated!

Thank You!

Thank you Lillian, Bridget, Travis, Lynn, Vicki, Deacon Joe, Terry, Terrence, and Celeste for helping to make dinner at St. Elizabeth Shelter a success! The meal was greatly appreciated, and a comment was made that it was one of the best meals they have had!

Please See Calendar for Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities.

Volunteer positions are limited, and on a first-come basis. Please only register for dates for which you know you can commit. Thank you!

“Christ has no body on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours!” ~St. Teresa of Avila